About Me

My name is Alayna Thomas, I  graduated with a BA in Communication Studies with a minor in Psychology at Northeastern University.  I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York.

I am interested in pop culture and how it shapes our perceptions and opinions of others, especially those marginalized in society. I have written about feminism in horror movies, Instagram activism, the role of race in stoner films, among others. Go check out my writing samples page for more!

I also run a blog called "Write That Down" where I write my thoughts on movies and pop culture. Check it out in the toolbar.

In terms of visual arts, I am interested in grayscale, light perception, and color theory. I enjoy playing with colors and shadows to see how it influences or changes how we see certain works. I enjoy making digital collages as well.

Some hobbies of mine include traveling and learning languages. I am currently an intermediate in Spanish and I am a beginner in French. I've done homestays in Costa Rica and in Spain. I also enjoy listening to music, knitting, and I absolutely LOVE horror films!